How To Set up Timecode On Your MixPre-3

August 3, 2022

Step-By-Step User Guide

MixPre-3 sound mixer Mic input

Step #1

First things first, grab a 3.5 to 3.5 TRS cable. Next, locate the mic input on the right side of the mixer and plug it in.

Step #2

Really quickly, confirm your frame rate, in this case I’m using “30.

On your TC-1, scroll over to the frame rate section and match it to the camera.

Deity TC-1 time code generator frame rate setting
Deity TC-1 time code generator out type setting. L-Out

Step #3

Next, scroll over to the out type section and select “L-Out.”

Step #4

In the MixPre’s menu, go to the 3rd page and select “Mode.” Make sure you’re in “Advanced Mode.”

MixPre-3 sound mixer mode menu. Advance mode
MixPre-3 sound mixer TC Mode. Aux In 1

Step #5

Next, go to the 2nd menu page and select “Timecode,” then “TC Mode,” and make sure “Aux In 1” is selected.

You’re Connected!

With that your MixPre-3 is now ready to be synced with the rest of your set!

If you need help syncing your Deity TC-1 to your other Deity TC-1 timecode generators, here is a User Guide!

MixPre-3 sound mixer with Deity TC-1 time code generator

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